
Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Reduce Holiday Stress

The Holidays seem to be a stressful time of year for most people. Whether you are observing, Christmas, Hanukah, or Ramadan, there are special meals, guests and lots of Stress!

Here are some ways to cope with and reduce holiday stress:

1. Don't overspend. Don't over use your credit cards unless you can pay them off in January. If you do, you will spread Holiday stress into the New Year. If you have already over extended your credit,make sure not to do so next year. Open a Christmas Club account at your local bank and save whatever your credit card payments are each month so that you will have money set aside for next year.

2. Don't have unrealistic goals. Something is sure to go wrong.So don't let it spoil your celebration. It will only be ruined if you allow it.

3. Don't skip meals, except for religious fasting. Skipping meals won't help you shed the pounds. Instead, eat frequent small-healthy meals.These
healthy snack meals include:



*Broth based soup.

*Whole grain crackers.

*A lettuce salad with fat-free dressing.

*Raw veggies and fat-free dip.

4. Give to charity. If you can afford it, give money or gifts to reputable organizations like the Salvation Army,Toys for Tots,religious groups, Red Cross, or a local women's shelter. If you can't afford to give money or gifts-give time. Volunteer to wrap donations,deliver packages to recipients, staff a donation drop-off center,or serve a meal to a homeless shelter.

5. Celebrate a tradition or start a new one. Only remember that every tradition doesn't have to be practiced every year. Rotate or ask family members, which traditions are the most meaningful, or fun to them.

6. Share. Invite someone who can't be with family to share in your holiday feast.

7. Exercise. It's one of the best stress relievers around!!

8. Allow yourself to feel sad that loved ones can't be there, whether they have passed away or can't make the trip.After allowing yourself some time to be somber, why not focus on the positive, like all the holidays you did get to share with them or the future holidays you expect to have.

9. Delegate. Let other family members bring dishes to pass around, and ask others to help with the set-up or clean up.

10. Don't over do it with too much holiday cheer. If you do, use a designated driver, call a cab, or don't leave until you've sobered up.

Doing these things should help you reduce your Holiday day stress and
enjoy the New Year.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

6 Ways To Reduce Your Flu Risk Without Drugs

The flu is a very SNEAKY virus because it has the ability to alter itself in various conditions. To make things even more challenging, the flu virus mutate itself all too frequently.

Although conventional medicine will try to keep pace with the most recent changes of the flu virus by developing new vaccines as soon as it becomes apparent that the new virus is about to go pandemic. It actually makes for a hectic schedule for the companies that manufacture these flu vaccines because too often the virus mutates so fast that even the most updated version of the flu vaccines isn't effective for all the forms of the flu for that year.

You tend to believe the wisest thing to do is to know how to protect yourself from this dreadful flu virus without the need of a flu shot.

The following suggestions can be very helpful in ensuring that your body is well equipped with strong immunity during "high risk" flu seasons:

1 Remember always to wash your hands - do it for at least 20 seconds with hot water and soap. Do this as often as possible especially after you have touched publicly used facilities and handrails.

2. Try to avoid people who are infected with the flu virus and exhibiting flu symptoms. School children are the mostly likely group for spreading the flu virus. Often, the flu virus can spread out through air without the need of physical contact. Therefore, staying away from "suspected" carriers is one of the most practical things to do.

3. In case you've been in contact with those with flu symptoms, by all means don't touch your nose, mouth, eyes and ears until your hands have been thoroughly washed with soap and hot water. These body parts are entry into our body's mucous membranes that can get infected very easily.

4. Drink enough water daily to ensure better than normal immunity of your body while staying away from junk foods that can drain the body's energy.

5.Begin a regular Exercise routine, although too little exercise is not doing the body any good, too much exercise will only deplete the body's energy, making it more vulnerable to be easily "burned out" and thus become ill.

6. By all means, always keep your body's immunity in great condition by eating wholesome meals that contain proper amounts of protein, fats, fresh vegetables and fruits. Doing so is one of the best means to prevent any disease or illness.

When you are a bit more thoughtful about how to take care of your body according to the above key points, you can very easily build up the body's natural immunity which is the best defense against reducing your flu virus risk without drugs.

Monday, July 27, 2015

8 Great Exercises To Tone You Up For The Holidays

Do you hate going to the gym?Well here are eight useful exercises to get tone during the holiday's without leaving home so you can fit your workout in whenever and wherever you please. Typically you need to buy a set of dumbbells which of course you will be able to use time and time again and they will certainly be worth the investment when you see the results.

# SQUATS - Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, holding dumbbells at your sides. Keeping your back straight, slowly squat down until your thighs are almost parallel with the floor. Slowly push yourself back into a standing position and repeat. Power through your heels to stand up.

#2 LUNGES - Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding dumbbells at your sides. Take a normal step backwards with your left foot, then lower your hips until your right thigh is parallel to the floor. Push back to the start position. Repeat on the other side.

#3 CHEST PRESS - Lie with your back on a bench, feet on the floor, knees bent. Hold a dumbbell in each above your chest with the weights together, palms facing. Slowly lower the dumbbells in an arch out to your sides. Return to the start. Squeeze your cleavage when the weights meet.

#5 ROW - Stand with a dumbbell in each hand, bend forward from the waist until your back is almost parallel with the floor, bending your knees. Your arms should hang down, palms facing each other. Bend elbows and pull the dumbbells straight up. Hold for a second. Keep your back flat and pull your elbows up high.

#6 SHOULDER PRESS - Stand with your dumbbells just above your shoulders, palms facing forwards. Slowly straighten your arms, pressing the weights up. Lower shoulders. Bend your knees slightly and relax your grip.

#7 TRICEP EXTENSIONS - Stand straight holding a dumbbell vertically with both hands over your head. Slowly lower the weight behind your head, bending your arms at the elbows. Raise back to the start. Keep forearms close to the sides of your head.

#8 BICEP CURLS - Stand with a dumbbell in each hand with your arms hanging straight down, palms facing forwards. Keeping your elbows tucked into your body slowly curl the weights up. Slowly lower. Keep your upper arms pinned to your body.

Make sure you keep to a regular routine with these exercises and you will soon notice a huge difference in the way you look and feel to stay toned
up for the Holidays.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Fitness Exercises That Can Be Performed in 10 Minutes or Less

Many people believe that exercise is important for their overall health and well-being. But, many folks complain that they just don't have enough time in their busy schedule for exercise. With our fast paced lives that most of us lead, it's understandable that most of us lack enough time to workout.

However, exercise is vital to our health, so it is very important to make
enough time to do your exercises on a regular basis.

10-15 minutes of exercise done 3-4 times a week will do a lot to improve every aspect of your physical health. No special equipment or extras are needed. In short, Most exercises can be done in the morning while you are still in your pajamas. Some exercises may be so easy that you may be tempted to think that they are not doing much good. However, if you performed them properly on a regular basis, 10 minutes of exercise can get you in reasonable shape.

Here are a few exercises that you can do in just 10 minutes to improve your total fitness health.

1 Minute Back Stretch

- Sit with your legs straight out in front of you and your back straight.
- Place your right palm flat on the floor behind you as you twist your head and shoulders so that you are looking over your right shoulder.
- Make sure that you keep both buttocks flat on the floor.
- Hold for 15 then do the other side.

Repeat twice.

1 Minute Back Scratcher

- Sit with your legs stretched out in front of you and your back straight.
- Stretch your right arm and bend it at the elbow as if you are going to scratch your back between your shoulder blades.
- Reach your left arm behind your back to touch or hold the fingers of your right hand.
- Hold this position for 30 seconds.
- Repeat on the other side.

2 Minutes of Sit Ups

- Lie flat on the floor on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.
- Place your palms on your hips and run them up to your knees, pulling yourself up by your stomach muscles.
- Do as many of these sit ups as you can in 2 minutes.

5 Minutes of Step Ups

- Find a step of about 6-8 inches of height. Step up with your left foot.
- Raise your right foot to join it.
- Take your left foot off of the step and then your right foot to join it.

Repeat For 5 Minutes

1 Minute of Press Ups

- Lie on your stomach.
- Bend your arms at the elbows and place both hands flat on the floor with your thumbs at shoulder level.
- Keep your toes flexed and on the floor.
- Push on your palms to raise your upper body.
- Your back and shoulders should be flat and your buttocks should not be sticking up.
- Fully extend your arms but do not lock them.
- Now slowly lower your body back on to the ground and repeat as many times as your can in 1 minute.

Congratulations! You have just completed 10 minutes of exercise that did a lot to increase your cardio-fitness, helped to maintain the strength in your arms, shoulders and legs, and increased the flexibility in your joints. If you don't have a lot of time to work out, try performing these exercises for 10 minutes 3-4 times per week, and you will see and feel a great difference.

Friday, July 24, 2015

10 Tips to Avoid the Holiday Bulge And Some Inner Thoughts About Them?

Do you find it almost impossible to stay conscious and contentious about weight and nutrition during the holidays? Of course you do. More than half of all Americans are overweight. All American's are in this together.

So here are 10 tips to avoid the holiday bulge.

You can take heart from a new government study which shows most Americans gain about a pound over the holiday. You're not alone. The study shows that during the holiday period, for the people in the study, two main things influenced the holiday weight gain: level of hunger and level of activity. Those who reported being less active or more hungry had the greatest weight gain.

If you can stay focused on dealing with just those two things, you'll probably win.

"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of weight gain," according to Dr. Samuel Klein. He is Director of the Center for Human Nutrition as Washington University in St. Louis, MO. "Preventing the increase in weight is a lot easier and better than actually gaining weight and then trying to get it off again."

The answer is simple. Eat less and exercise more.

The good news is that most of the people overestimate how much they had gained. Fewer than 10% gain 5 pounds or over.

The bad news is that although the one pound gained seems like a small amount, that weight WAS NOT LOST during the rest of the year and those single pounds accumulate over the years and add up to obesity.

Here are some helpful hints and tips put together by skinny people to help you avoid the tiny little weight watching issues you face during this joyous season [along with the thoughts going through weight watcher Wanda's head as she listened to the skinny people happily chirping out their advice. NOTE: Wanda isn't her real name.]

1)."You SHOULD stay active, darling. The best thing for you to do is to stick to your regular schedule and routine." [Routine? Wanda's family doesn't have no stinking routine in November and December. Wanda doesn't have no stinking time for her regular yoga classes, workouts at the gym, long dog walks, you ninny, because in addition to shopping, home decorating and cooking, Wanda has to take every one of the kids to EXTRA practices and activity for pageants, concerts and freaking fund raisers! Wanda's too ACTIVE to stay active, darling.]

2). "Don't let yourself get hungry. Don't arrive at the party starving. Be sure you eat your normal, healthy meals, especially breakfast. A protein rich breakfast "resets" the body and starts it off not hungry. Don't starve yourself, thinking you can "save up" calories. Fill up before the big holiday feasts with healthy vegetable snacks." [Normal? There ain't no stinking "normal" in November and December, and Wanda's not sure she ever has normal, healthy meals. She's got a life to run. Wanda doesn't know where YOU'RE having Thanksgiving, but Wanda's family's appetizer table has God's own Cheese Puffs and Ruffles with sour cream/onion dip, Brie on sourdough and 80 plates of cookies and bowls of peanut M&Ms on every available surface! There is nary a vegetable snack in sight.]

3) "How can you keep the pounds off at calorie rich parties? Stay away from the food! Literally ... stay on the other side of the room from the buffet table or appetizers tray. [Wanda liked this one. She'll just go plant herself in the bathroom and lock the door. Maybe she can find a place under the pile of coats in the back bedroom. A nap sounds nice.]

4). "Wear clothes which are slightly tight and your favorites. You'll think twice about the third helping if you can't let your belt out a notch. Always remember there's about 8 pounds between dress sizes." [What skinny sadist came up with this bright idea? Wanda bets she's a size 2, and hides an eating disorder!]

5). "Portion size is the real secret. Keep salad portions large and all other portions extra small. When it comes to sweets, think quality, not availability. Just because the candy corn is there doesn't mean you have to eat it. Don't be afraid to cut off "just a bite" of a high calorie treat. Put the rest back on the serving tray. If you're the hostess, pre-cut high calorie items into tiny portions to help your friends. Just a bite may be plenty to satisfy you. [Just a bite! Just a bite? Wanda's stressed to the max and darn it, Wanda DESERVES a candy treat ... and a WHOLE one. Heck, Wanda's double stressed, so she deserves ...]

6). "You don't need to be stressed. Take Time for You. Get a massage or a nice facial. Sit down and slip your shoes off." [Don't you know Wanda's facing a month and a half on shopping overdrive and the only place to sit down is at the mall's fast-food court? McDonald's doesn't have a massage spa. If Wanda slips her shoes off, she'll NEVER get them back on again, you fool.]

7). "Keep up your food diary ... every day of the holiday ... it will help you pinpoint your special weaknesses. Just one 150 calorie chocolate chip cookie each day will add up to an extra pound in only 3 weeks." [Wanda can't even find her food diary in chaos house. And, she really needed the information on the cookies. Thank you very much. Wanda just ate three, and she doesn't need any food diary to pinpoint this little weakness.]

8). "Only eat things you really want and care about. So what if your neighbor brought okra au gratin everyone's raving about? Use that space on your plate for a homemade roll, hot from the oven. Put real butter on it. Life is choices. Treat yourself to what you want and LEAVE THE REST IN THE SERVING DISH."[Good advice. How thankful do you think Wanda'd be after a feast of Brussels sprouts and tofu salad while she's passing the yams, potatoes and gravy to Aunt Lucille? Wanda bets Lucille's glad she got granddad's wiry build instead of those wonderful wide childbearing hips from grandma's "peasant" stock!]

9). Drink water instead of alcohol which has empty calories and lowers will power. Avoid sugary sodas which throw your metabolism into pendulum swings. [You didn't mention eggnog. Eggnog is OK, then, right?]

10). "Don't eat while you cook. Those little "tastes" can turn into 1000 calories before you've blinked." [Wanda just spent 304 hours in the kitchen, cooking. She HAS to taste everything before she serves it, or they'll hate it and won't love her any more. And besides, cookie dough doesn't have any calories, does it?]

Well, that's all 10 pieces of holiday advice. Here's just one parting thought from Wanda.

[Santa's fat and everybody loves him! The baby Jesus is fat, too. The turkey is so fat it can hardly stand up! Nobody buys a skinny Christmas tree, do they? Get a grip. Get a life. Have a HAPPY holiday.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

5 Tips To Help You Fight Stress

What exactly is stress? What causes it? How does it affect our lives and what can we do about it?

To begin, stress is a psychological and physiological response to events that upset our personal balance in some way, often resulting in physical or mental health problems. Stress is part of the natural human 'fight or flee' response which has been with us since the world began.

Stress can be caused by anything that requires you to adjust to a change in your environment, it can be brought about by a traumatic experience, death, or emergency situation, and it can also be a side effect of a serious illness or disease. Stress is often caused by financial concerns, or loss of a partner; job pressures, inadequate training, trying to live up to other peoples' expectations, jealousy, anger, greed, love, and hate can all cause stress in our lives.

The issues of stress can easily compound if it is not possible to adequately deal with a particular stress situation at the time; a person's safe and secure life can very quickly become extremely disrupted leading to physical and mental health problems and sometimes homelessness or addictions.

"What can we do about it?" Here are 5 tips that should help you to fight stress:

1)Learn relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, visualization, progressive muscle relaxation, meditation, and yoga all can assist you to deal effectively with stress. Relaxation can reduce lower blood pressure, promote a feeling of wellness, and hopefully can help bring on a restful night's sleep.

2)Make time for yourself. Relax in a nice hot bath with your special bubble soaps then turn the lights down low and listen to your favorite music, read a book that you enjoy, take up a hobby you enjoy such as gardening, go swimming or go to the library just to name a few.

3) Perhaps your kids are overly stressed , thereby causing you to be stressed out.Pay careful attention to teens and watch for overloading or signs of bullying. Be actively involved with your kids in sports, plays, and school functions.Stay in touch with the teachers at your child's school. If a teen talks about or shows signs of being overly stressed, seek the consultation with a child and adolescent psychiatrist or qualified mental health professional may be helpful.

4)Vigorous Aerobic exercise has been shown to release endorphins (natural substances that help you feel better and maintain a positive attitude). Walking or swimming is an excellent way to enjoy aerobic exercises.

5) St. John's Wort is a natural formula stress reducer held in high regard by many to help relieve anxiety and symptoms of stress,by helping you to feel more relaxed.

It is very important to learn how to fight stress in our lives and if you still feel stressed out about life after trying some or all of the techniques above, it is advisable to talk to your local Doctor who will be able to help you work through your stress.

Get Out of Debt Without a Second Job

Here are some suggestions you can use to help you get out of debt and build your bank account. All that you will need is patience and discipline.

Warning these debt tips are for people who have more money coming in than what they require to pay down their monthly bills, including credit cards. If you owe more than you can pay each month,seek professional help.

It begins, when you pay the minimum on most of your credit cards, pay extra on the ones with the highest interest rate. As you pay each month look around for credit card transfer offers that have cheaper interest rates than what you are paying.

Another idea is to combine the debt from two or more credit cards into one credit card payment with lowest interest cost. You will save money and reduce the number of bills you get each month.

Make an effort to put something into savings each week, even if it is only $10.00. Once it is in a bank don't take it out. Especially with the current recession it is very important to have something socked away for a rainy day.

One more way to get out of debt faster is to research more unique ideas to save money. Ask your cable company to see if they have any special promos that you are qualified to receive?

Your local cable company that provides phone service and Internet service as well as cable service is continuely creating super deals that save $30 or more, and many times the lowest price is good for six or twelve months. When your time is up and the price goes back up, call again and they should be glad to find you another good deal for another six to twelve months.

If your income is low enough, ask your phone company if they have a special price for low-income families. In this area people who fall in this category qualify for monthly charges that are less than price.

Whenever, you go shopping for food buy off brands whenever possible. Many people are finding great deals at local stores called "99 Cent" stores or "Dollar Stores". Many of these have fantastic deals on staples such as coffee, soup, drinks, and much more.

The same food stuff might not be accessiable all the time so visit the store weekly for new bargains. Be prepared to make large purchases if they have a shipment of something you use regularly, such as coffee or anything else.

To owe crushing debt is heart breaking. So pay as much as you can afford to pay down on your debt each month. Save enough money where you can, and then don't whine about it. As long as you are doing what you can, there is no need to lose sleep.So you too can get out of debt without a second job.

Saving Gas Tips

People should develop more street savvy when talking about saving gas.--
Yet,there are several more ways to reduce gas prices and not break your budget.
I have discovered some useful saving gas tips:

This information ranges from common sense to just plain ingenious.Wisdom tells us that slowing down will save on gas. The routing strategy of UPS to avoid time in left turn lanes is brilliant. It plays into one of the best ideas for saving gas and money. If thousands of Americans began to practice the art of trip consolidation and route planning, their gasoline usage would be greatly reduced. Instead of a trip to the grocery store one day, a trip to the cleaners the next and the movie rental store the next day, combine these tasks and do them all on one day in one trip.

A recent example was a trip to shop for necessities and advertised bargains. A few minutes of planning laid out a trip to Blockbuster, Walgreen Drugs, Lowes, WALMART and the Exxon Station. There was only one wait in a left turn lane and the car was back in the garage in bit over two hours. Five days of movies, sale and coupon groceries, prescriptions, a new coffee maker plus gas and a car wash covered in one loop out and back in inside the garage.

When you begin setting goals like these you will cut down on the number of times a week your car leaves the garage by 50%" and then utilize trip consolidation and route planning to maximize each trip and learn about saving gas and money.


In these hard times it is more important than ever to stay out of debt and to set aside money for a rainy day. Here are five tips for getting organized and starting to save:

Allocate Your Savings as a Payroll Deduction

Decide on an amount to be taken from your payroll check and deposited directly into a savings account. This way it will be in the account before you get hold of your salary. However, do not draw out this money every time you say you need it or the whole purpose will be defeated.

It helps if you can select a firm percentage of your income, say 20% of your monthly net income or 75% of your monthly disposable income, to deposit. It will not take long to have a nice little nest egg built up.

If You Have Taken Out a Loan - Pay it Back Immediately

If for some reason you need a loan for some emergency, it is important that you pay the loan back as soon as you can. This way you will avoid having to pay high amounts of interest on your loan.

Reap the Rewards of Budgeting and Saving

Put each buck you manage to save by using common sense ways to reduce your spending into a savings account. Keep an eye on the amount you are putting into the account and make sure it is in an account where your money is accruing interest.

As a reward, withdraw the amount of interest earned each month and buy yourself something nice. This will be an incentive to put more money away every pay day. The more saved, the better the reward.

Financial Planners - Are They What They Seem

Remember, they are in the business of making money and may be selling you products which will make money for them at your expense. There is plenty of free or low cost information available to help you if you are serious about bettering your finances, so you do not need to incur further debt by paying out fees for help.

Create Your Own Way of Saving

This post has provided you with a few ways to save but there are many more available to you. You can either use techniques which have worked well for others or try out your own ways of saving money. As long as you develop your plan, stick to it and the end result is that you save money and become debt free. It does not really matter which method you choose.

Whether you decide to implement some of the above ideas or use your own means you need to get organized. You will make things much easier for yourself by being methodical and once you have become organized you will realize just how much time and money you can save.

Model Kit Building Glues And Uses

New model kits today are marketed as "Hi Tech" or "Multimedia" scale model kits. These kits usually come with some number of fine detail components made out of metal or resin besides the standard     polystyrene (plastic) parts. These kits will require using different types of glues and cements.

Glues come in two types, water based and chemical. The water based glues are usually nontoxic and act as a "tacky" layer that holds the bond between the parts. Chemical glues, however, must be handled smartly in a well ventilated work area as they emit potentially harmful vapors. The chemical glues bond the parts through a chemical reaction with the surfaces, thus fusing the parts together in the way specific to the glue’s chemical properties.

White Glue:

The most common water soluble glue is white glue or carpenter's glue. This glue was originally developed to bond wood and other porous material together. It has found its niche in the plastic kit building world because it dries clear and will not craze clear plastic parts or damage enamel paint. Since it is water soluble any overuse can be quickly cleaned up. The bond however is not very strong so its use is confined to bonding small metal detail parts to clear plastic and not for cementing major plastic components.

Plastic Model Cement:

The common polystyrene glue comes in two viscosities, thick and thin plastic cement. Both melt the plastic parts at the join and fuse the bond as they dry. The thick variety is the well known "tube" cement that is sold in squeezable tubes and comes out very thick and often messy. Decades ago it was the only glue to use and any dime store had it. Its major use in today’s modeling is to cement large structural polystyrene pieces requiring a strong permanent bond. Large aircraft fuselages, ship hulls and rocket halves would be perfect for the thick model glue. The bond will take some time to set up and dry completely. Clamping the pieces together with rubber bands, tape, clothespins, or "C" clamps will be necessary to keep the pieces from shifting as the cement dries.

The thin plastic model cement is of a watery consistency and very fluid. It is used only on the plastic pieces of the kit. It will bond a lot faster than tube glue and is normally applied with a pin or glue brush to allow the glue to flow into the seam or joint being glued. The thin glue dries very quickly so it is used for most of the ordinary construction of the kit. Avoid using model cement with clear pieces as the heat from the bonding process will craze or fog the clear piece making it useless.

Super Glue:

Cyanoacrylate glue, commonly called super glue or CA, is the glue used most to bond differing materials. This is the glue to use to cement your metal parts together or to the plastic pieces. It is also used to glue resin parts together or to the plastic pieces. Some modelers will use it for most kit construction, except for clear parts which this glue will also craze. Super glue comes in both thin and thick viscosities. Just remember the thicker the glue the longer it takes to dry or set. There are very few materials that cannot be bonded with super glue and since CA is water resistant, the bond will also be waterproof when set. Oh yes, if it gets on skin it will bond flesh together, but nail polish remover will dissolve it.


Epoxy is a two part bonding product that bonds metal, resin and plastic parts. Epoxy adhesives come in both liquid and putty form and in both a fast and slow cure. Use epoxy when structural strength in the joint being cementing is needed or to hold heavy pieces in place. Epoxy, as well, is not recommended for use on clear parts.

Epoxy comes in two parts, resin and hardener, requiring mixing just before application. It comes as two liquids with an applicator or as a two part putty to roll or knead together. The fast curing epoxies will normally set in less than five minutes with full bond in 30 minutes. The slow cures can take up to an hour to set, eight hours before the piece can be handled, and a day to cure fully. Clamps will be necessary for the slow cure bonded pieces. Most modelers will use the epoxy putty to fill gaps in joints and to reshape a part. The putty can be smoothed in position with a wet cloth and sanded easily after it dries to disguise the join.

Knowing the basics on model kit glues and cements serves the modeler well in advanced kit construction. Just remember, as with all model kit building, work in a well lighted and well ventilated area for safety and enjoy the hobby.