The Holidays seem to be a stressful time of year for most people. Whether you are observing, Christmas, Hanukah, or Ramadan, there are special meals, guests and lots of Stress!
Here are some ways to cope with and reduce holiday stress:
1. Don't overspend. Don't over use your credit cards unless you can pay them off in January. If you do, you will spread Holiday stress into the New Year. If you have already over extended your credit,make sure not to do so next year. Open a Christmas Club account at your local bank and save whatever your credit card payments are each month so that you will have money set aside for next year.
2. Don't have unrealistic goals. Something is sure to go wrong.So don't let it spoil your celebration. It will only be ruined if you allow it.
3. Don't skip meals, except for religious fasting. Skipping meals won't help you shed the pounds. Instead, eat frequent small-healthy meals.These
healthy snack meals include:
*Broth based soup.
*Whole grain crackers.
*A lettuce salad with fat-free dressing.
*Raw veggies and fat-free dip.
4. Give to charity. If you can afford it, give money or gifts to reputable organizations like the Salvation Army,Toys for Tots,religious groups, Red Cross, or a local women's shelter. If you can't afford to give money or gifts-give time. Volunteer to wrap donations,deliver packages to recipients, staff a donation drop-off center,or serve a meal to a homeless shelter.
5. Celebrate a tradition or start a new one. Only remember that every tradition doesn't have to be practiced every year. Rotate or ask family members, which traditions are the most meaningful, or fun to them.
6. Share. Invite someone who can't be with family to share in your holiday feast.
7. Exercise. It's one of the best stress relievers around!!
8. Allow yourself to feel sad that loved ones can't be there, whether they have passed away or can't make the trip.After allowing yourself some time to be somber, why not focus on the positive, like all the holidays you did get to share with them or the future holidays you expect to have.
9. Delegate. Let other family members bring dishes to pass around, and ask others to help with the set-up or clean up.
10. Don't over do it with too much holiday cheer. If you do, use a designated driver, call a cab, or don't leave until you've sobered up.
Doing these things should help you reduce your Holiday day stress and
enjoy the New Year.
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