
Monday, May 1, 2017

What New Golfers Need To Know About Golf Apparel.

With our harsh winter weather so far behind us,let celebrate Spring and think about golf.

There are typically many questions you want answered when you start to play golf. What brand of golf club works best for you? Are there nearby public courses available to you? Can you afford to play on a course at a private club? Will you need golf lessons first? Finally, there is the question of what to wear while playing golf, because golf apparel is an important part of the golf game. To tell you the truth, learning to select the right type of golf clothing is as important as learning any other aspect of golf.

As a brand new golfer, how do you go about selecting the best golf apparel? There are varieties of clothing for men and women golfers available on the market. Even though as a new golfer, you may not understand the merits of many of the options available, you can always just start by picking clothing appropriate for your body type.

If you wear comfortable clothing you will feel better, which will ultimately be reflected in your game. Suppose that you are wearing a very loose fitting golf shirt. You may find that very loose shirts interfere with you while you are using your driver or just putting. At the same time, if you wear very tight fitting trousers, they will constrain your freedom of movement and interfere with your concentration.

Golf clothing manufacturers continuously pursue the current trends and desires of their customers. Frequent advancements in technology have allowed companies to fabricate resilient, comfortable, and breathable fabrics. Beginners in golf must choose clothing thoughtfully, or at least as thoughtfully as they choose a set of golf clubs. For example, just think about the type of hat you want for a sunny day or for windy conditions. If you are warm by nature and perspire a lot then cotton fabrics would be your natural choice.

Besides style and fit, there are also other considerations in choosing your golf apparel. You must know what attire is allowed and what is not allowed before you dress for the golf course. Understanding this is one key for success and enjoyment at your chosen course. For instance, most golf courses require adherence to a dress code. While these standards are usually not very restrictive, it behooves you to research the dress code when looking for potential courses that you might use.

Golf courses usually have separate dress standards for male and female golfers. For example, women's clothing that reveals a bare midriff is not allowed. Some courses require that a woman's shirt has a modest neckline in front. Collared shirts are often mandatory for men. Jeans, warm up suits, or certain types of trousers are often forbidden for all players.

So don't embarrass yourself by having to run to the pro shop or a nearby store to buy a shirt when you visit the golf course for the first time just because you wore a collarless shirt. A little careful research before selecting golf apparel will provide you with benefits in the long run as you gain experience in the sport of golf and learn to enjoy the game.


With the recession in full swing,most American's today are looking
for cost saving ideas to begin saving money and reduce their budget.

Hydroponic Gardening is becoming very popular. There are many reasons for this, but first we need to define hydroponics or hydroponic gardening.

The simple answer is that hydroponic gardening means growing plants without soil or dirt. A growing medium and nutrient solution are used instead.

Advantages of Hydroponic Gardening

1. Hydroponic gardening means year round gardening. In other words, you can have fresh herbs and vegetables year round. No longer do you need to do without during the winter or even worse, pay the prices for produce flown in from another continent. Year round gardening means year round fresh produce on your table.

2. Hydroponic gardening can be accomplished in a very small or confined space. And, it is best done indoors. So if you do not have a yard, hydroponics may be your answer for how to be a gardener.

3. Hydroponic gardening does not use soil. Plants grown in soil expend a lot of their energy sending the roots out looking for nutrients. With hydroponics, the roots are fed directly with the nutrients, allowing the plant to spend its energy growing a higher yield. And, since the plant is not exposed to the soil, the roots will not pick up any diseases which can then kill your plants.

4. Hydroponic gardening can be very controlled and precise. As the gardener, you will control the amount of nutrients your plants receive, as well as the amount of light. Because this is usually done indoors, you do not have to rely on the sun and the amount of rain to make your plants grow. You have complete control with a hydroponic garden.

5. Hydroponic gardens are relatively easy to set up. Many supplies can be purchased from your local discount store. You can choose to spend a lot or a little, depending on your goals. You can even buy kits for getting started. The one thing you must not skimp on is the nutrient solution. Because your plants are not getting certain trace minerals from the soil, you must provide them. Therefore, be sure to buy nutrients made specifically for hydroponic plants.

Whether one of these reasons is your deciding factor for becoming a hydroponic gardener or all of them are, you will find the hobby not only fascinating as you learn more, but also very rewarding as you provide your family with a constant flow of fresh produce year round.

Getting More From A Bicycle Through Cargo Trailers.

Utility biking is now a trend in some countries today like France, United Kingdom, and even the United States. People are becoming aware of the state of our planet and are finding ways in which to help save our only home. Aside from being an eco-friendly mode of transportation, biking has also evolved into a practical way of transporting goods and as a mode of recreation.

This is made possible by the extended functionality offered by cargo bike trailers. Those are one-wheeled or two-wheeled load carriers where goods can be placed or it can be used as a ride for toddlers and pets.

Load cargo bike trailers are extremely useful for businesses, especially those that need to deliver goods that are not that big and heavy, like some home furniture. It can also be useful for getting a week’s worth of grocery items, for picking up things for the garden, and other tasks that require picking up a medium load. It gives significant comfort and benefits.

First, it cuts down the expense of gas. If the destination point is just a few blocks from home, cargo bike trailers are the ideal things to use. Second, it is very convenient to use. It gives productivity to the fullest. It also saves time and effort in the accomplishment of the tasks.

Thanks to revolutionized bike trailers, load is not the only option that these cargo bikes can carry. Certain trailers are designed for transportation of people who are physically disabled seated in a wheelchair, for toddlers to take them to different places in the neighborhood, and also for pets to be strolled around the park. These cargo trailers have different structures and designs to fit the demands of these different scenarios.

For toddlers, they have roof coverings in case of a sudden downpour, padded seats for added comfort, and seatbelts for their safety. This is perfect for family hang outs and weekend getaways. Some trailers function as a second seat behind the adult seat. This setup serves as a practice for a child who wants to learn how to ride a bicycle in his own.

Also they are detachable from the main bike and can function as a crib on wheels. This adds to the flexibility and reusability factor of the cargo bike setup. It makes it possible for the bicycle to be used alone. The same thing applies to cargo bike trailers for pets.

Having a cargo bike certainly gives comfort and advantage to travelers who want to get more from their bicycle. It saves money and effort and is also very eco-friendly.


According to most national economist we are slowly coming out
of our economic recession? Why then are the following trends still happening:

*Few if any new job hiring by employers across the US.

*Federal Reserve has just raised intrest rates to the BIG banks.

*Nationwide foreclosed home are incresing two-fold.

*With Amercians owning more debt banks,credit card

companies, etc have step up efforts to collect money

owed to them by any means neccessary.

If you've been a victim of job loss, medical emergency or other cause of income loss, you may be one of the millions of individuals facing a pile of debts that you cannot cover. Miss one or two payments and you can expect to get a call from a debt collector.

Calls from debt collectors trying to find you at your place of employment can be humiliating. You may already be screening your calls, your chest tightening as you realize it's them - again.

While not every debt collector is unsympathetic and berating they likely do have to steel themselves for many of the sad stories given to them as explanations for past due debts. They are also frequently rewarded for their efforts in collecting the debt with a commission based on the amount obtained. It is easy to see why it is not uncommon for individuals who are already in a desperate state to fear encounters with the more aggressive collectors who are determined to get their fees.

"What Are They Allowed to Do?"

Debt collectors are allowed to contact you by in person, by mail, by telegram, by fax and by phone; at home or at work - unless they know your employer would disapprove. They may also not contact you before 8 a.m. or after 9 p.m. unless you have agreed to the contact at that time.

They must contact your attorney unless you don't have one. They may then contact other people to find out your telephone number, work place or address, but in most cases they are not allowed to inform them that you owe money or contact them more than once.

"What If I Don't Want to be Contacted?"

Whether or not you actually owe a debt you can write a letter to the collector telling them to stop contact. They may then contact you only once to inform you that they will make no further contact or to tell you what action may be taken against you.

Stopping contact will not clear the debt. If you do not believe you owe the debt make that clear in your letter.

"What Can I Do If I Am Harassed?"

The FTC (Federal Trade Commission) has a Fair Debt Collection policy to protect consumers. Knowing your rights will put off even the most determined collector since they already know the law and are pressing you on the assumption that you don't.

Debt collectors are NOT allowed to harass, abuse or oppress you or other individuals on your behalf - that includes obscene language, threats of violence or repeated calling in an effort to annoy.

They are not allowed to misrepresent themselves as government agents, attorneys or representing a credit bureau if they are not. They cannot imply they are sending legal documents if they aren't or that you've committed a crime, if you haven't.

They cannot imply legal action, including seizing property or garnishing wages unless they are legally allowed and intend to do so.

You can find out more about your rights from the FTC. If you want to report an agent you can do so by contacting the FTC or your Attorney General. If they are breaking the law you have the right to sue.


Since our nations unemployment rate and spending are on the rise
millions of hard working homeowners are either upside
down with their mortgage or they stopped making payments period and
moved out.In fact,so many homes are in foreclosure Citibank recently
allowed beleagued homeowners a mortgage moratorium by suspending
any forclosure action for 120 days.

Although it's a situation none of us ever wants to be in, home foreclosures are on the rise. If you ever reach the point where your lender is ready to foreclose on your home, the following tips may help you delay or even avoid foreclosure proceedings.

Tip 1: Deal with the problem head on.

If you can't make your monthly payment, face up to it and take steps to deal with it. Avoiding the problem will only make things worse.

Tip 2: Your lender is your friend.

The best way to avoid foreclosure is to maintain a dialogue with your lender. Although it may not seem that way at times, it is in their best interests to help you avoid foreclosure.

Tip 3: Do your homework.

It is important to know what rights you have should you go into default. Go over your loan documents so that you know what will happen and the time frame in which it will happen.

Tip 4: Consider talking to a housing counselor.

Housing counselors are available through grants from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. These counselors can take a look at your situation and help you get your finances organized. Some counselors will even represent you in negotiations with your lender.

Tip 5: Spend your money wisely.

When trying to avoid foreclosure it is important to spend money only on necessities. Take a look at your finances and eliminate unnecessary expenses so that you can make your mortgage payment and feed your family. Eliminate luxuries if need be, including cable TV, health club memberships, and eating out at restaurants. You should also consider delaying payment on unsecured credit cards if that money is needed for paying your mortgage.

Tip 6: Consider cashing out.

Take a look at your assets and consider selling them for cash so that you can pay your mortgage and any back payments you might owe. This includes higher-ticket items like jewelry, furs, cars, and boats. Lenders will be happy to work with people who are demonstrating that they will do whatever it takes to make their house payment.

Tip 7: Don't pay a fortune for someone to help you stop foreclosure.

While the vast majority of these companies are legitimate, they are simply offering negotiation services through a HUD approved counseling service (see Tip 4). In many cases, the HUD counselors will help you for free.

The important thing is to stay calm by using these seven tips to avoid
and know there is help available for you and keep your home.


For many of us today any job loss or layoff for even
a short while would be terrible.Why? Because until
you find a job you'll need some kind of extra cash.

Let see maybe I'll ask my family or friends, nope
I think not.Like most Americans until then I just
have to use my credit cards and hope for the best
and promise myself pay them down as soon as I have
another job.

Getting out of credit card debt takes perseverance and willingness to succeed. So whether or not you are being swallowed by the sink hole of credit card debt or you are just starting out to dig yourself into credit card debt - you have to make some decisions before it's too late.

In this hot trend blog post I will list six tips to help you get out of
credit card debt.

1) Stop using your credit cards - Leave your credit cards at home. Did you know that by using your credit cards you are paying additional interest on the credit card balance you owe on which you've already been charged interest. Unless you pay the new charges when you are billed you are accumulating additional interest on both present and past charges.

2) Determine how much credit card debt is costing you. How? you may ask! You can determine how much credit card debt is costing you by seeing how much interest rate you have to pay. This is done by reading the fine print on your latest credit card statement. If you do not understand then you call your credit card company and have them explain it to you. By law they have to explain it to you.

3) Lower the interest rate you are currently paying on your credit cards. Lowering the interest rate you are currently paying is the most effective and easiest way to get your credit card debt situation better. You can lower the interest rate you are paying by transferring high interest rate amount balances to lower or no interest rate companies. Once you've stopped using your credit card you've stopped your situation from getting worst, it's now time for you to improve it.

4) Ask your credit card companies to lower your interest rates. Since you already know the interest rates it is time for you to ask your banks and credit card companies to lower the interest rates. You should call them and ask to speak with a supervisor. The supervisor has the authority to give you a lower interest rate.

You should tell them the rates are too high and you want it lowered. And also let them know that if they are not willing to lower your interest rate you are considering to close your account and transfer all your credit card balances to the company that is willing to give you the lowest interest rate.

5)Consolidate your credit card debts. By consolidating your credit card debts - transferring all credit card balances to one credit card - is an effective way of getting out of credit card debts. So when negotiating to get a lower interest rate you should let it be known that your ultimate goal is to get out of credit card debt at the lowest possible cost and not credit card shuffling.

6) Cut your savings in half. It would be foolish to be paying high interest rates while continuing to save the usual amount, if you are indeed saving. If you are already so deep in debt that no one company is willing to loan you the money to consolidate your credit card debts then you would have to resort to this tactics.

It works like this. Get all your credit card balances. Divide each balance by the minimum amount you are required to pay each month. This tells you how long it would take to pay off each balance. Start by paying off the one that takes the least amount of time (half your savings + minimum payment). Continue making minimum payments on the rest. When that least payment is finished you would pay the next least payment and so on. You would continue using this tactics until you are no longer in debt.

If you follow the above six tips you should be on your way to getting out credit card debts and start building wealth for your future.


While our government continues deficit spending at unprecedented
levels sooner or later the dreaded (TAX) word is silently gaining
more momentum in Congress as one way to begin reducing our national

Nonetheless, most US business owners vigoriously oppose any
kind of tax hike-many of them say any tax increase by Congress
will result in a huge loss of jobs nationwide.

For many of us any loss of a weekly paycheck would be devastating.
But it would certainly make good common sense to prepare for
a job loss by brushing up our resumes just in case.

So you have been fired. Do you desire another career choice?
Or are you a newly minted college grad just starting out?

Your resume speaks volumes about you.If your resume misses the
first cut,your finished,no matter how qualified you may be.
In this post I've included top 10 mistakes to avoid when
putting your resume

1)Multiple pages – You need to be concise. Keep it to one page and one page only. If you can’t highlight your talents on one page, you’re giving the message that you are unorganized and tend to go on and on.

2) Fancy paper – If your skills don’t speak for themselves, then your fancy paper isn’t going to make a bit of difference.

3)Fancy font – Same as above. Don’t try to set yourself apart with a different font on your resume. Set yourself apart by being uniquely qualified.

4) Irrelevant info – No one really cares that you were a singing waiter if you’re applying for an accountant job.

5) Outdated information – Does it matter than you had a newspaper route and were on the high school cheerleading squad 24 years ago? No, not in the least. Leave it off.

6) Typos and misspellings – You would think this is an obvious one, but you’d be amazed at the number of resumes received with huge blaring mistakes.

7)Falsified information –Greatly elaborated credentials are the same as lies. Do not list diplomas, certifications, affiliations or awards that you did not earn. Just don’t do it. It’ll come back to bite you in the rear end.

8) Attachments – At the resume stage do not send any attachments, whatsoever. If you are granted an interview, at that time you could bring in whatever it is you’re so hot to get into the selecting official’s hands. The person accepting the resumes will likely just throw it in the trash can.

9) Elaborating too much – Place of employment, job title and brief, very brief description of job responsibilities are all you need. Don’t complete a whole paragraph for each job you’ve held.

10) No cover letter – Writing a good cover letter is a bit of an art. However, any cover letter is better than none. Just keep the same principles in mind with your letter: Brevity, relevant and free from typos.

If you can avoid these simple top ten resume mistakes, you’re more than half way there to getting an interview


In these challenging economic times, where people are worried they might lose their job, there are things you can do to help assure that you are not one of them. Here are a few suggestions to keep in mind, that will help insure that your job is secure.

Discover ways to make yourself indispensable. If you work in an office, volunteer to help out whenever you have a chance. Whether it's volunteering to be part of a project team, jumping in when co-workers are trying to finish a project on time, being responsible for the petty cash box, or teaching co-workers a new skill that you may have learned. Your boss will notice and your co-workers will appreciate your assistance.

Keep improving your skill sets. Grade the way you do your job, and look for ways to be more efficient and productive. Your job performance will improve, and you will be noticed by your boss.

Have a positive attitude. Some people get stressed out in this terrible economic environment where everyone knows someone, a friend or family member, that has lost their job. You can hang out at the water cooler and gossip about whether your own company is the next to start cutting jobs, or you can keep your head down and get your job done. You will feel better because you are being productive, and you will inspire others around you to do the same. Your BOSS will notice!

Be the employee you would hire, if you were the boss. Put your bosses hat on and give yourself a thorough evaluation as an employee. Do you get to work on time? Are you rested and ready to go when you get to work, or do you need a cup of coffee or three to get in gear. Try to think how you appear to others, and make sure you put your best foot forward.

Hopefully, these tips about how to save your job will help you to be proactive and assure that, even in the worst economy, you will be one of the employees that any employer would want to keep. Finding a way to be the best employee you can be will also help you when you decide you need to find another position at some point in the future. Also, the boss you work for and the employees you work with will be a network for your career for years to come.


You may be blessed enough to have a job today, but with the history of our job market, that may not be the same tomorrow. That is unless you make yourself stand out from the average job hunter "crowd."

There are 5 basic tips to keeping the job you have. Even if it is one you don't enjoy, you can use your current job as a launching pad for your ideal dream job in the future by using these useful suggestions:

Communicate Effectively

1) you need to be able to communicate well. As one of the Proverbs says, "When anyone is replying to a matter before he hears it, that is foolishness on his part..." That means that listening closely to your employer and to your co-workers can prevent misunderstandings and keep you from making foolish mistakes that could cause you problems and unnecessary stress.

Also, you need to speak so that you can be heard and understood. You need to speak clearly and loudly enough to be heard, but not too loud so as to appear that you are angry or trying to show authority over your co-workers. If you do this, it is more likely that you will be understood, and others, including your employer, will have more respect for you and more likely to listen to what you have to say.

Get Along With Others

2) you need to get along with others. You spend more time at your workplace than you do at home, so you might become very close friends with some of your work mates. You also might not like some of them. This could lead to complaining or gossiping about some of your co-workers, or worse yet, your job and your employer. A piece of advise, "..make it your aim to live quietly and to mind your own business." This not only makes for better working conditions but you will avoid wasting your employer's time and possibly causing needless friction with your co-workers.

Go the Extra Mile

3) do more than is expected. if you want to keep your job, you can set yourself apart from the "rest" by doing each task assigned the very best you can. The greatest man who ever lived said, "If someone under authority impresses you into service for a mile, go with him two miles." If you have a reputation of being a hard worker--one who will go the extra mile--you will be more likely to keep your job, even if others may lose theirs.

Be Honest

4) be honest. In a survey of over 1,400 companies, the majority of employers "ranked honesty and integrity as qualities that impress them most in job candidates." Of course that would include the obvious things like not stealing money or materials from the job. But even more important is not stealing your employer's time. An employment agency conducted a study that revealed that time theft averaged over four hours per employee per week. These employees tended to be late, leave early, and socialized with other employees while they should have been working.

Even if your boss is not looking, chances are someone is, and that person just might be your next supervisor or a person in a position to decide if you keep your job. If you have a reputation for working well--even when not supervised--you are an employee to be trusted, and one the company will want to keep.

Be Organized

5) be organized. If you are organized and keep your workspace neat, you are less likely to lose time looking for things you need, or more importantly the things your employer might need. A neat workspace is a time saver and saves your company money. And you can be sure others will notice. Besides, if you organized and know how to quickly locate things, you will have less stress and enjoy your work more.

Bottom Line

Things change quickly. Mergers and mismanagement cause businesses to close every day. Other companies, due to economic downturns, are forced to reduce their number of employees either temporarily or possibly even permanently. Then your employer will be forced to decide who will go and who will stay. If you have made these above 5 tips your personal habits as an employee, you are more likely to be one of the ones your employer considers to be a "keeper." When pay increases are considered, these same habits will bring you more increases than others with your same job skills.

So, enjoy your work and use it to build a reputation as the one your employer can always count on to take direction, work well with others, be organized and not a time-waster. That will make your day at work much more enjoyable and help you keep your job when others are losing theirs.

5 Keys To Finding A Job

With outsourcing, downsizing and plant shutdowns increasing, more and more people are finding themselves competing with young college graduates as well as their friends for the ever-shrinking supply of desirable jobs.

Then who do you think gets the best job? It is not always the most qualified. How many times have you heard, "I'm sorry, you're over-qualified for this position"? An employment consultant replys, "The job often goes to the most effective job seeker." Here are 5 keys to finding a job that just might give you the edge you need:

Be Organized

It is very important that you establish your personal 'workday' schedule so that you start your day knowing what you need to do that day in your job search. Set daily goals and record what you have done. It is amazing how satisfying it is to be able to check things off your list each day. In addition, each day must start with your getting dressed for work. Why would you need to do that? If you are dressed properly for business, it will give you added confidence, especially if you are talking on the phone with prospective employers. This is your "job" now, finding your next employer.

You can get addresses and phone numbers of prospective employers from the employment office. Respond to newspaper ads. Use the yellow pages of your phone book and make lists of companies that might have jobs that are often not advertised, and then contact them. Send a professionally prepared resume to these companies. After such systematic searching, you will be more successful at reaching your goal of finding a job.

How to find the Hidden Jobs

Your opportunities for finding a suitable job will be limited if you are looking for work only by responding to newspaper or Internet advertisements. The best jobs are often never advertised. How can you gain access to this hidden job market? Start by setting aside time each week to personally call on businesses that you think may have jobs in your area of interest or experience. They may tell you that they do not have anything now, but to check back in two or three months. Put them in your "tickler list" to follow up with in two or three months. If they say they are not hiring, ask if they know where else you might look and specifically to whom you should speak. If they suggest a company and contact, try to make an appointment with that company right away. When you call for the appointment, be sure to tell them who recommended them to you.

Ask your friends, family, and other associates to help you access the hidden job market. Let them know what your skills are and what you are looking for. Network with everyone. You never know who might know someone that knows someone that has an opening that requires just the type of skills you have. You might want to have some business cards made up with your contact information and maybe a short list of pertinent skills to leave with everyone you ask to help you in your search.

You Need an Effective Resume

If you are applying for an executive position, having a professional resume to give to your potential employers is a must. But no matter what job you are seeking, a well-prepared resume can be a great asset. A resume tells potential employers not only who you are but also what you have accomplished and why they need you.

What to include in your resume:

1. Provide your full name, address, phone numbers, and e-mail address.
2. State your work objective.
3. List the education you have received, highlighting any training and skills that relate to the job you are seeking. You may have to adapt your list of skills to the particular position you are applying for.
4. Provide details of previous work experience. Include not only what you did but also examples of the goals you reached and the benefits you brought to your previous employers.
5. Highlight aspects of your previous employment that qualifies you for the job you are currently seeking.
6. Include personal information that describes your qualities, interests, and hobbies.

How to Nail the Interview

1. Research the company. With some background knowledge, you can converse intelligently with the interviewer about how the company and your skills match.
2. Dress appropriately for the type of work you are applying for. Always be neat, clean and well groomed.
3. Arrive about 15 minutes early. This will give you a little time to relax. NEVER BE LATE.
4. Smile and give the interviewer a firm handshake if that is appropriate.
5. Avoid being negative about your former employers and work mates.
6. Maintain eye contact with the interviewer and speak clearly and confidently about yourself.
7. Don't forget to ASK FOR THE JOB if you still want it at the end of the interview.

Be Adaptable

To increase your chances of finding work, you must be adaptable. It is unlikely that you will find a job that has everything you are looking for. You need to learn to be content with employment that is less than ideal. Being adaptable may mean overcoming prejudice against certain types or work. Be willing to accept any suitable work that does not compromise your values.

By using these 5 keys to finding a job, you will have an advantage over the majority of others who are competing with you in the job market.

7 Things Every Job Hunter Should Do

Americans are in the most difficult job environment most of us have seen in our working lives. Every day you hear of another major company planning to fire more workers. It's not a sunny picture, but if you are one of those people who have been effected by this difficult economy, you have to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and make finding your next job your number #1 priority. You have to take charge of the situation and not sit around feeling sorry for yourself. Here are 7 things every
job hunter should do
that can help focus your efforts to help achieve the goal of find that next position:

1. Finding your next job is a full-time job.Do'nt get distracted because you are
at home..

2. Update your resume. Even if you are well known in your industry, you need to have an up-to-date resume available that you can e-mail or send when you need to. Put your e-mail address on the resume, your cell phone number, and make sure all your dates are correct.

3. Have a cheerful outlook. Do not be embarrassed about being out of work, especially in this environment. You need to hold your head high and be confident in yourself and your abilities.

4. Be organized. As you follow up with leads, and network with people you know in the industry, you have to find a way to keep track of this information. Also, by making daily to-do lists, you can keep track of what you are accomplishing and where you are spending or wasting your time.

5. Keep yourself presentable. Make sure you get that hair cut, when you need it, and have the best outfit ready for interviews. Looking your best will help make the right impression, when that important interview comes along.

6. Know what you want to do and where you are willing to do it. Job seekers need to be able to articulate what they are looking for, the flexibility they have in considering other industries, and if they are willing to move for the right opportunity.

7. Get an accurate understanding of your finances. You need to know how much you have in your bank account, and how much you can access through credit lines. You need to determine what expenses have to be paid, and what expenses can be delayed or renegotiated without harming your credit. The rule used to be that you should have at least six months of expenses in a savings or money market account for emergencies, but most people do not have that discipline.

Most of us have no way of knowing how long this troubled economy will last before we turn the tides and see a resurgence in the business environment. What we do know from history is that down cycles last for six months to a year or so, and then things start turning around, sometimes very quickly. Even in down cycles, there are always industries that are hiring.

In fact, when one opportunity ends, another that could be even better may be the one you find.So keep in mind these 7 things every job hunter should do to secure your next job.

5 Tips For Dealing With Job Loss

As US companies begin examining their bottom line, many people will find that their jobs are being downsized through no fault of their own. When you are laid off suddendly, it is important to stay in control of your life and focus your efforts in the right direction. It is common for most people to fall into a deep depression or a state of "funky" do-nothingness when they lose their jobs. Here are 5 tips for dealing with job loss,and help keep you motivated on the road to securing a new job.

1. Focus your energy on finding a new job. Don’t let depression ruin your life. Time spent crying, moping, complaining and cussing why your job loss happened to you will not get you into another one. Try to keep your mind focused like a laser beam on finding that new job,by making new contacts with recruiters and employment agencies and working on your resume. Of course, it is all right to feel bad and even spend time alone, but do not let it stop you from living life.

2. Become a valued resource to others. Keep in contact with others who may have lost their jobs at your passed employer. If you run across a position that you think may be suited to one of your former co-workers be sure to recommend them for the position or inform them about the opening. Give as much help to others as you can. The favor will often be returned as recruiters usually ask for prospects to send information about a job opening to a friend if they are not interested in the position. Stay in contact with your ex-workmates so, your name will be fresh in their minds as a referral.

3. Keep good records and stay organized. Organization is going to become a key component as you hunt for new employment. You will want to apply to as many jobs as possible so you will need to keep track. Create a folder and store all of the job postings you apply to as well as the names of all the recruiters and company contacts you have made. You don’t want to make the mistake of continuously re-applying to the same jobs – and you definitely want to be sure to follow-up with jobs you have applied to. Keeping records of whom you speak to is also helpful, as you will begin building up your list of people you can contact throughout your job search and you will be able to reach out to them in the future. Be sure to note their name, company and phone number and the types of positions they are trying to fill.

4. Update your budget. When you no longer have income you have to make certain that you re-evaluate your budget. You may have to survive on limited unemployment benefits and a flat dollar amount from a severance package. This means that you will need to cut out some expenses. Check your budget for recurring expenses that are not necessities. Do you have both a cell phone and a landline? Perhaps you can get rid of one temporarily. Do you have a cable package with premium channels? Perhaps you can subscribe to basic cable or get rid of cable altogether. The trick is to scrutinize your budget to see where you can pay out less and keep more in your account to pay your credit card bills, rent, utilities and to ensure you have food and transportation.

5. Find a moneymaker. Look for ways that you can make extra cash here and there. Often we focus on finding a full-time permanent job that we over look simple things we can do for others to make a little extra cash. Offer to baby sit for friends and family. Go to the mall and apply for a part time job in your favorite store – this is also great for finding discounts on things you may need. If you are entrepreneurial use the Internet to setup a small home business typing, writing or doing research for website owners. Just be sure to leave time for your job search.

A period of unemployment can be nerve-wracking, but if you can focus your efforts on working within the situation you have been placed in and making a few temporary changes in your life, you will make it through. Remember that you are in control of your own life, not the people who are doing the hiring and firing.

Skiing And Accomodations: 3 Tips to Save You Money

During the holidays some people will decide to lodge at their favorite
ski resort instead of remaing home.

So to help you choose the right skiing accomodations here's 3 tips to save you money:

One of the big complaints about skiing is the cost to participate in the sport. Accommodations are normally one of the greatest expenses and one that can be controlled. Here are three tips that you can put to use this winter to reduce the cost of bedding down for the night.

Book a Bed and Breakfast

Many skiers do not spend a lot of time at the place where they are staying during a ski trip. So, why book expensive accommodations? A better approach is to phone ahead and book a Bed and Breakfast. Most ski destinations these days have local B&Bs. They are relatively cheap and you usually get a good breakfast, which means you also save time by not having to drive to another location in the morning.

So, if you don't mind sharing a bunk bed with a friend and washroom facilities with the rest of the skiers on the floor, then a B&B is definitely the way to go. You will save a lot of your hard-earned dollars, which means you can ski more often during the season.

Share a House with Friends

An alternative to a B&B is to rent a house close to the ski resort for the weekend. A lot of locals in the towns and villages near the resorts rent homes to skiers. They could be second homes that they have invested in or cottages that they only use in the summer. These places are usually a bargain especially if you avoid holidays like Christmas and New Years.

You need to get a group of up to six friends together to make it worthwhile. Another benefit is that you can cook your own breakfast and dinner at the house, as well as prepare a lunch that you can bring with you to the ski hill. This means you can make your skiing dollars stretch even further.

Stay Further Away from the Resort

If you want something a little more upscale than a B&B, or you don't want to be tasked with getting a group of skiers together, there is another option. You can stay at an inn, hotel, or chalet further way from the ski resort and commute each morning. Accommodations at or near ski resorts can be expensive, but the rates for rooms drop appreciably the further away you get from the ski hill. How do you find such places?

One of the best ways is to go online and search for accommodations in the region where you will be skiing. You can locate places to stay within a certain radius of the ski resort, say 20 miles. Check the room rates for a few inns or hotels at that distance, and then narrow or widen the radius, as appropriate, until you find a place that suits your budget and has the amenities you want. This can make your trip very economical when compared to staying at an inn or hotel near the ski hill.

Become A Snow Skiing Master Under All Conditions

To enjoy winter weather during the holidays for some it means skiing down
your favorite powder slopes.But sometimes not all ski trails are created the same especially when you maybe new.

Novice skiers are sometimes bewildered by snow conditions that can vary from day to day. Just when you think you have mastered one type of snow, you are suddenly faced with icy patches or crud. These different skiing conditions are a big part of what makes this sport so fun and exciting. Relax! With a little time and practice you will be able to perform like a seasoned pro on any surface.

Snow texture on ski trails is impacted by both weather conditions and the amount of people who are using the trail. Snow can vary in moisture content and density. Commonly, the colder the weather, the drier the snow. The longer that snow remains on the ground, the denser and heavier it gets. When a lot of skiers are using a trail of older snow, icy patches usually develop because the action of the skis over the snow causes it to melt and then freeze again.

Here are some examples of snow conditions that you are likely to come across as the season progresses:


Skiers love powder! This is newly fallen, soft, fluffy snow that's untouched by other skiers. The vast majority of enthusiasts regard skiing on fresh powder as the ultimate skiing experience. Some will travel obscene distances to get to powder. Powder demands a unique skiing technique, though, and the beginner may fall a lot. At least the snow is soft and dry enough to even make falling a delight! The greatest challenge when skiing powder is to keep your weight distributed over the skis evenly. Since the snow is so delicate, excess pressure on one ski will cause it to sink. It is also necessary to shift your weight more to the rear than on more stable snow surfaces.


Crud is powder that has been skied on. As more skiers use the slope the trail turns into a patchwork of virgin and packed snow. This presents the challenge of perpetually changing surfaces as you work your way down the slope. Skiing on crud can be fun, but calls for a more aggressive technique than skiing on powder. Your knees should be kept bent to absorb the impact of the deeper sections of snow, and you will have to be constantly alert to what is approaching.


Crusty snow has a hard surface on top of softer powder. Crust is formed when the sun melts the top layer of snow and it then refreezes. Crusts can be either hard or soft. Hard crusts ordinarily do not pose a problem since the skier will stay on top, but softer crusts will break. Skiing through soft crust can be a true challenge because your sideways movements will be somewhat restricted. The most intriguing altogether is an intermixture of hard and soft crusts. Hitting a section of hard crust while skiing through a soft crust can cause a nasty crash.


Ice is the most challenging and the least amusing. If your skis are angled as they cross ice they will slip out from underneath you causing you to wipe out. Ordinarily, only parts of the slope will have ice patches and they can be spotted by their coloration. The key to skiing icy slopes is to keep alert and flatten your skis whenever crossing an ice patch.


Slush is very soft, wet snow. It's created by warming temperatures that cause the snow to melt. Because the snow is dense, it requires a fair amount of effort to turn. Gentle, gradual turns are more successful than quick maneuvers, which likely will cause your skis to get caught in the snow and make you wreck. Falling in slush is definitely not fun! If you are a skilled hard-core skier desiring to squeeze the last few days out of the season, possibly you can tolerate slush. All but these few diehards are better off avoiding it.

So whatever snow conditions you encounter be sure to learn these 5 useful
tips and become a snow skiing master under all conditions.

How to Find Affordable Health Insurance

How to Find Affordable Health Insurance
With the current healthcare debate battle raging in the US Senate this
might be a good time to consider how to find affordable health insurance?

Affordable health insurance - it seems, especially today, those words just don't belong together in the same sentence. Health insurance monthly premiums have become the biggest single expense in our lives - surpassing even mortgage payments. In fact, if you have any permanent health problems, such as diabetes, or have had cancer at one time in your family history, your monthly cost could easily be more than the house and car payment combined.

Shopping for affordable health insurance can certainly be an eye-opener. If you have always had a health insurance benefit where you work - especially a state or federal employee - and now have to buy your own, you may not be able to afford the level of health insurance coverage you have become used to.

Affordable health insurance, however, is definitely available -if you know how and where to look.

When you are looking for affordable health insurance, you want the lowest cost per year that will fit your budget, of course. But, even more importantly, you want a company that has a good record for paying without fighting with you on every detail. Just as there is a car for just about any budget, there is also affordable health insurance. You may not be able to afford a "Cadillac" policy - but then you probably don't need all the frills anyway.

Shopping for health insurance on the internet is the easiest and best way to find affordable health insurance. Here are five reasons why.

1. You don't need a local agent to help you submit the claims for health insurance. The medical provider does it for you. You save money because the health insurance company saves money by not paying the agent commission. This could amount to an 8% to 12% savings to you.
2. All the top health insurance companies are at your fingertips on the internet. Most local agents can only quote you from the few companies that they represent. They may not offer you what is best for you financially or health-wise but only what they happen to have available.
3. Health insurance companies have to be extremely competitive because it is so quick and easy to compare them with their competitors on the internet today. In the past you would have had to visit physically eight to ten agents to do a similar comparison. Most folks just didn't have the time or desire for that.
4. You can change your coverage, deductibles, and payment options with just a few clicks rather than going through the paperwork delay with a local agent (and then finding out he/she made a mistake - more delay).
5. Charging to a credit card means you aren't going to forget a payment and be without insurance. Also, it gives you another 30 days before you actually have to pay. Also, many companies today give an additional discount for "auto-pay".

The key, however, to finding affordable health insurance is realizing that the purpose of any health insurance is to protect you from a major financial loss - not to protect you from spending small money on clinic visits and sliver removal. These small expenses may be cumbersome but they generally will not hurt you. It's the $100,000 heart operation that will break you. That's the financial disaster health insurance was originally designed to prevent.

Also, keep this in mind. Health insurance, as with any insurance, is a gamble. You are gambling that you will draw out more than you pay in. Your health insurance company is gambling they will pay out less. The odds are in their favor for two reasons. They have all the facts for millions of families to average out, so they know the risk in advance. Also, they get to set the rules and the prices. The higher you set your deductible, the more risk you take. This is not a bad thing at all. You will most likely be the winner in the long run.

Yes, finding affordable health insurance is much easier than most people think.

Taking more of the risk with higher deductibles, spending a little time on the internet comparing eight to ten different companies, and deleting coverage that you will not likely need (such as maternity for many folks) will make it very possible to find your own affordable health insurance.

How to Find Affordable Health Insurance

With the current healthcare debate battle raging in the US Senate this
might be a good time to consider how to find affordable health insurance?

Affordable health insurance - it seems, especially today, those words just don't belong together in the same sentence. Health insurance monthly premiums have become the biggest single expense in our lives - surpassing even mortgage payments. In fact, if you have any permanent health problems, such as diabetes, or have had cancer at one time in your family history, your monthly cost could easily be more than the house and car payment combined.

Shopping for affordable health insurance can certainly be an eye-opener. If you have always had a health insurance benefit where you work - especially a state or federal employee - and now have to buy your own, you may not be able to afford the level of health insurance coverage you have become used to.

Affordable health insurance, however, is definitely available -if you know how and where to look.

When you are looking for affordable health insurance, you want the lowest cost per year that will fit your budget, of course. But, even more importantly, you want a company that has a good record for paying without fighting with you on every detail. Just as there is a car for just about any budget, there is also affordable health insurance. You may not be able to afford a "Cadillac" policy - but then you probably don't need all the frills anyway.

Shopping for health insurance on the internet is the easiest and best way to find affordable health insurance. Here are five reasons why.

1. You don't need a local agent to help you submit the claims for health insurance. The medical provider does it for you. You save money because the health insurance company saves money by not paying the agent commission. This could amount to an 8% to 12% savings to you.
2. All the top health insurance companies are at your fingertips on the internet. Most local agents can only quote you from the few companies that they represent. They may not offer you what is best for you financially or health-wise but only what they happen to have available.
3. Health insurance companies have to be extremely competitive because it is so quick and easy to compare them with their competitors on the internet today. In the past you would have had to visit physically eight to ten agents to do a similar comparison. Most folks just didn't have the time or desire for that.
4. You can change your coverage, deductibles, and payment options with just a few clicks rather than going through the paperwork delay with a local agent (and then finding out he/she made a mistake - more delay).
5. Charging to a credit card means you aren't going to forget a payment and be without insurance. Also, it gives you another 30 days before you actually have to pay. Also, many companies today give an additional discount for "auto-pay".

The key, however, to finding affordable health insurance is realizing that the purpose of any health insurance is to protect you from a major financial loss - not to protect you from spending small money on clinic visits and sliver removal. These small expenses may be cumbersome but they generally will not hurt you. It's the $100,000 heart operation that will break you. That's the financial disaster health insurance was originally designed to prevent.

Also, keep this in mind. Health insurance, as with any insurance, is a gamble. You are gambling that you will draw out more than you pay in. Your health insurance company is gambling they will pay out less. The odds are in their favor for two reasons. They have all the facts for millions of families to average out, so they know the risk in advance. Also, they get to set the rules and the prices. The higher you set your deductible, the more risk you take. This is not a bad thing at all. You will most likely be the winner in the long run.

Yes, finding affordable health insurance is much easier than most people think.

Taking more of the risk with higher deductibles, spending a little time on the internet comparing eight to ten different companies, and deleting coverage that you will not likely need (such as maternity for many folks) will make it very possible to find your own affordable health insurance.

Three Tips To Get Rid of Your Fat, Flabby Belly

Most human bodies have the potential to be slim, fit, muscular and sport those great six-pack abs. Why then are so many people overweight,chubby and anything but muscular? The answer is that we waste time on ineffective methods of diet and exercise that don't remove those ugly rolls of fat; in fact, some of these methods may even ADD to them! It's time to stop making excuses why you can't lose belly fat, and finally do something to shed off those unwanted pounds. Here are three easily controlled factors that can create a sleek, toned belly.

1)Diet--No, I don't mean live on grapefruit and plain grilled chicken for the rest of your life. But I do want you to be aware of what you put into your body. Do you chug can-after-can of diet soda thinking it's much healthier for you than regular soda is?

Do you drink very little water? Do you buy diet foods thinking that will be the quick trick for weight loss? Do you love to eat over-processed foods containing white sugar, white flour or white rice?

If so, it's time to think hard about what goes into your body on a daily basis?

Food is fuel for your body. Would your car run at peak performance levels if you pumped dirty, watered-down gasoline into its tank? Of course not! If you want that sleek, toned body with ripped abs, you need to pay careful attention to your diet.

Replace the sodas, drink plenty of water and get rid of over-processed foods that add nothing in the way of fiber, vitamins or minerals to your diet. Go for foods in as natural a state as possible--fruits; vegetables; whole grains; heart-healthy oils such as olive and canola; and lean, unprocessed meats need to make up the bulk of your diet.

2)Give Up Low-Intensity Cardio workouts.If you love to spend hours on the treadmill or elliptical machine, but haven't really seen any weight loss results after months of workouts at the gym? You need to switch to interval training for effective fat loss. It's been scientifically proven to burn more fat in shorter workout sessions. What is interval training? Interval training is switching up your workouts with intensely hard burst of exercise alternated with shorter periods of moderate activity. For example, you might run as fast as you can for two minutes, slow it down for another two, then go hard again. You might only need twenty minutes of interval training to burn as many calories as you did in your old slower method of cardio.

3) Don't be afraid of the weights--Ladies, this one is for you. Many women shy away from lifting anything but lightweight "Barbie" weights, thinking if they use heavier weights they will build large, bulky muscles like men have. Nothing could be further from the truth. Women do not have enough natural testosterone to build this type of muscle. If you see women bodybuilders with huge muscles, you can bet that they had help in the form of supplements to get that way. If you switch to heavier weights, you can build more lean muscle mass, which has the effect of kick starting your metabolism to burn more calories even when you're at rest.

If you pay proper attention to your diet, start using interval training and lifting weights heavy enough to exhaust your muscles after 8-10 reps, I promise you that you can have that slender body with those sexy, defined abs that you've always wanted and Get Rid of Your Fat, Flabby Belly for good!

5 Hot Trends That Will Add Pizzazz To Your Home Staging

The main audience of any professional home staging plan is, of course, the potential home buyers. These prospective buyers are looking into moving to your neighborhood and finding their own idea of home in your location. It should always be kept in mind that while it is literally impossible to please everyone with your home staging efforts, there is an ambiance or look that appeals to the broadest target market of buyers that your property is most likely to attract.

Trends in home design and staging are changing almost every year, so keeping yourself aware of the latest innovations and trends can help you put together a staging strategy that would be most effective for the type of clientele you are wanting to reach out to. Here are some current design trends that are popular among interior design specialists and professional home stagers.

Smart homes and automated controls. Consumers are looking for the home of the future which can be controlled, monitored, and systemized using technology and automated settings. High-tech automated systems for controlling electricity, lighting, temperature, security, and more are increasingly affordable for homeowners. If you have these systems installed in your home already, ensure they are working properly and emphasized during house showings.

Kitchens, dining areas, and living rooms outdoors. Homeowners are preferential to wide open spaces for outdoor entertaining and hanging out. Outdoor kitchen areas can be just a BBQ grill or as complex as a complete cooking station with a sink, storage, oven, and countertops.

Home theaters and entertainment centers. Families are travelling less in order to save money, and are choosing staycations and home theaters to entertain themselves. Home theater systems, plush seating, state-of-the-art sound systems, and a comfortable, homey media center feel are very attractive to many home buyers. You do not have to spend too much on a home entertainment system; just recreating the "look" or using props can usually complete the idea effectively.

Multipurpose or dual-use furniture. Today's consumers are gravitating towards cost-effective furnishings and home accessories. Furniture items that have both form and function are very popular and also save space, and they are particularly effective for staging smaller spaces such as apartments, townhouses, and condos.

Sustainable and earth-friendly. The focus on environment-friendly and energy-efficient home accessories and designs is very high among home buyers. Select toilets and sinks with low-water level use, or insulation and air conditioning systems that are more efficient and save energy. Even paint and flooring products and installations can be greener and more earth-friendly.

We have more home staging discussions going on in our Facebook page. Go to right now.

Are you looking for the best home staging professionals in Kelowna? Our team can help you prep your house for selling success! Visit today.

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The Importance of Email Marketing - Not Just a Hot Trend!

Internet marketing is not only a hot trend of today, but also a new arena for internet marketers to develop their skills and grow their businesses. While internet marketing is in demand, email marketing is presumably the sole important aspect of promotional campaigning of any marketing business. Therefore, email marketing is one of the highly preferred promotional marketing methods among the internet marketers.

The aim of this marketing and list building is chiefly to target the niche market and the customers. This marketing method starts when a customer fills in the optin form on a sales page. After the sign up, the customer usually gets a free EBook, a free report or a short course, newsletter and study material from the sales website and the merchant keeps sending numerous promotional emails to the customer. Hence marketing through email is considered as one best way to promote a product, service or site. The merchant keeps a note of all the email addresses to use them in email marketing service eventually.

By using the email marketing method you can send hundreds of emails every day to the customer automatically. For doing so, you need to have your optin form connected to a software called autoresponder that sends out automatic pre-written emails to the saved email addresses entered into the optin form by the consumers. You can also set a time for this campaign based on your requirements. The basic idea behind this promotional method is to showcase the qualities of your product or service to the customer in a positive way.

Using the optin marketing campaign is extremely essential for internet marketers as they can build a list of potential customers of their relevant target niche market. The best part of such promotional method is that, you could sell different products to the same customer over and over again. Even the customers thank you for bringing the products to their attention through different advertisements.

Internet marketers should understand the basics of email campaigning method and spend some time in setting up the campaign to get it right. During the initial process, you might have to use different sample emails for split testing to see which email has the biggest success rate. You can either choose to start campaign with a small portion of your list or conduct the test within some known email addresses. Gradually, you can send the highest performing email to each customer of your email list and sell your product.

If you are a serious internet marketer you'll want to make every campaign better than the last with the best email marketing service available!

Track sign-ups, click-throughs, sales, and more. Convert contacts into customers while the competition sleeps with Optin Email Marketing and explode your marketing ROI! Click on the links above or copy and paste the url below for more info or to start your free trial!

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Concrete: The Hot Trend in Bathroom Flooring

The new hot trend in bathroom flooring is concrete. If you are surprised to hear the combination of the word "concrete" with bathroom flooring, relax for a moment and browse online. Concrete lends just the cozy and soothing atmosphere we desire in our restroom. From room to room, concrete soothes underfoot and appeals to our senses of sight and touch.


You will discover concrete to be wear-resistant, long-lasting, and can be refinished as needed. Concrete does expand and contract with changes in extreme climate, but professional concrete contractors can mitigate problems that occur with climate fluctuation. Many complex steps are solved before the flooring can be installed and polished. Professional contractors have the experience to know how to curb potential warping, splitting, and other problems.

Concrete Options

Concrete flooring could be considered the best of all worlds. This versatile flooring can be designed to look like just about any type of flooring material, and it can be used all over the house. From elegant concrete stencils to decorative flooring, a custom designed countertop can reflect personal style. Concrete can be colored, polished, stained or painted to coordinate with bathroom décor. Concrete countertops can be stunning.

Easy Maintenance

Concrete is one of the most durable and user-friendly flooring choices available. The manufactured flooring resists common wear and tear from an active household with kids and pets. Loose dirt vacuums up, while spills and messes easily wipe away.

In addition, concrete is environmentally friendly and considered a green product. Rather than using irreplaceable natural stone, concrete is recycled, reused and renewed. As many contractors and homeowners become more aware of the environment, the idea of using concrete in remodeling makes sense. And, the durable nature and ease of maintenance of concrete ranks high above all other popular choices. Check out sites featuring concrete for your remodeling project before you decide on contractors for your next bathroom remodel.

Modern bathrooms in today's world are more than just bathrooms. They are elegant spaces. However, an important and often overlooked piece of bathroom furniture is the bathroom flooring. The flooring is an important feature, speaking from a designer's point of view. In designing your modern bathroom, you can take advantage of an array of options available. You have many possibilities, aspects that will distinguish your bathroom from a more typical one. Build the room that is attractive to you, cozy, relaxing and functional for yourself, your family and your guests.

The last word:

It really doesn't matter if it's a bathroom or a backyard retreat, when it comes to renovating your property. Compare all the design possibilities before choosing the best match for your individual style. Your bathroom is not just functional; it's a place for pampering and indulging. From sacred public baths to modern-day spa retreats, bathing is synonymous with luxury, warmth and relaxation.

Mark Bruddy is a flooring solution expert working with US leading Colored Concrete floor contractors. Provides range of Saw Blades, concrete polishing equipment wholesale Diamond Blades and Concrete Flooring for almost any application.

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Hot Trends For Making Money at Wealthy Affiliate University

Affiliate marketing rates at the top of the list of hot trends for making money online. The focal point of this article is Wealthy Affiliate University, an online learning center and member community that subscribers report to be the best Affiliate Marketing Community on the net.

Affiliate marketers earn money on the internet by succeeding at selling other people's products. As an Internet marketer it is your job to send people to company websites. When those people make purchases you are paid by the company who owns the product.

There are so many questions about Wealthy Affiliate University. Is it a scam? This question seems to be the main one people are asking today. I decided to do my own review of Wealthy Affiliate so that I could answer this question and share my own experiences with you. I will give you an honest review so that you can decide if the Wealthy Affiliate experience is the right way for you to make money online.

From an active members view point this is a well organized tutorial website that teaches the fundamentals of the correct way to perform marketing on the internet using the techniques and tools essential for success.

Wealthy Affiliate University is focused on teaching the proper Internet marketing techniques, but if you are not willing to put in the time and effort to learn there is no point even considering Internet marketing. You cannot get rich overnight without working for it.

The founders, Kyle and Carson, are aware that Affiliate marketing takes work because they have been working at this for over 7 years. They are offering a blueprint of how to succeed at earning money online and have also added every possible tool needed to succeed at Internet marketing.

Wealthy Affiliate University takes care and attention to each and every subscriber with the guidance, support, and tools so that you can hone your skills in Affiliate Marketing while you earn money online.

It really works for beginning marketers as well as for internet marketing gurus. Some of the most successful Internet marketers today got their start at Wealthy Affiliate. These people remained members of Wealthy Affiliate even after reaching unbelievable riches so that they are able to share their techniques and strategies with other members. They learned at Wealthy Affiliate that if you don't help others succeed you hold yourself back.

So, while working and learning at Wealthy Affiliate University you are working with thousands of other marketers who are willing to share their secrets of success with you. This method of sharing information and teaching each other through forums is one of the most valuable resources Wealthy Affiliate has to offer.

New members are encouraged to begin the Eight Week Action Plan course as soon as possible. The Action Plan offers information and tasks for each week that build on each other and offers step by step guidance along with personal support and coaching to help you succeed at making money online with Affiliate Marketing.

As an Affiliate marketer it is your job to send people to company websites. When those people make purchases you are paid from the company who owns the product. Wealthy Affiliate teaches you the best techniques and strategies, and supplies you with the tools you need to complete your job and earn money online while working at home.
I would like to give you my 34 page Wealthy Affiliate University [] Review free. Please go to [] to sign up and get your e-book instantly. For a limited time only, I will be offering my help to new members who sign up at my website. Catch the details there!

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Teeth Whitening - 4 Super Hot Trends in Home Teeth Whitening Products

With a set of sparkling white tooth topping the wish list of many, teeth whitening have become a rage today. From expensive and complicated dental visits to home teeth whitening procedures, technological advancements have greatly contributed to this phenomenon.

Read on to know of 4 super hot trends in home teeth whitening products:

1. Brush-On Gels Offer Quick And Easy Solution

Home use brush-on toothpastes and gels are the quickest way to get shiny teeth. These contain mild abrasives that clear the plaque off the tooth enamel and bring out a sparkling smile. However, these work merely on the surface and if the problem is deep rooted; it needs to be tackled differently.

2. Home Remedies Too Work Wonders

If you intend saving money, going for time- trusted home remedies is an option. Application of lime and salt paste or rubbing of orange peels could get you results but there exists an opinion that these rob the teeth of calcium content and must be avoided thus.

3. Stick On Strips Are In

If you are looking for an easy to use, fuss-free way to whiten your teeth, those stick-on strips available in the market are meant for you. Just press these upon each jaw and leave on for a while to see results. However, these may at times yield patchy results if not use properly.

4. Trays With Bleaching Gels Are Perfect

If perfection is your concern, try out bleaching trays that fit snugly onto the jaws. Because these moldable trays provide customized results, the shine you get is flawless and even. These are thus a big hit and promise great potential.

Whatever you choose, remember to go in for products approved by the ADA to ensure quality results. With the knowledge of these amazing trends, you'd be able to get rid of those stained teeth and turn them into a sparkling set in no time.

Grab your Free Trial pack of Dazzle White Pro [] TODAY and get a pair of sparkling white teeth in 60 seconds flat. This miraculous home Teeth Whitening [] product has been used successfully by millions of individuals. It is also recommended by World's leading Dental Associations.

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Hot Trend for Men: Body Hair Removal

On the topic of Manscaping, Mike Myers as Dr. Evil in Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery commented, "It's breathtaking... I suggest you try it!" Dr. Evil isn't alone; having smooth, sexy skin is no longer just sought after by women but is now one of the hot trends among men.

In the 1920s, the latest styles featured short sleeve shirts and knee-high dresses allowing women to show off their bodies more, but women didn't worry about a little underarm or leg hair. Several decades later though, mass media created a stigma for women to be seen with hairy legs or underarms. Today, of course, it's completely unacceptable for a woman to be seen with hair in these areas.

What may be somewhat surprising is how this body hairless trend is spreading to males! Within the last few years, more and more men are looking for ways to obtain a smooth chest, back and more. Whereas hair removal by men used to be limited to just male athletes, an increasing number of men have begun this practice merely for aesthetics.

Our male patients tell us that the benefits of body hair removal are:

increases their self-confidence

increases sexual attractiveness

makes them look and feel more masculine

visually enhances muscle definition

gives them a "cleaner" look

prevents body hair from trapping sweat and oils which can lead to clogged pores and body odor

for tattooed men, they can display their artwork more clearly
nt for a consultation today!

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Religious Icon Jewelry a Hot Trend!

I visited the Long Beach Flea Market and Antiques Fair in Long Beach, California today and was immediately struck by a young man wearing a rosary bead necklace around his neck. (I just saw Justin Combs, P Diddy's son, wearing one on a TV show just an hour before that).

After walking into the event, I was immediately attracted to a table featuring Rosary Beads, Religious Charm Bracelets, Religious medals and many other Religious articles which apparently were selling quite well. I also did see this type of product at other stations within the Flea Market. In speaking with the proprietress, I learned that many of the Rosaries are of Bohemian Czech Glass and are being created in Bohemia by a very special family.

The Religious jewelry theme trend has been rearing its head for several seasons, and it was very strongly represented in the European Department and Specialty stores, especially in Paris as early as 2006.

I was visiting Paris to attend the Bijorcha jewelry show and spent some time shopping and scouting out trends featured by the Parisian jewelry designers. I came back from that trip with many ideas which were later incorporated into my collection for Jewelbox Designs.

Over the course of the last few weeks, I have come across several other young men wearing Rosary Beads around their necks. I tend to believe this trend will gain momentum into Spring, and we may see another rebirth of "Madonna Style" from the 80's as we approach the Fall 2010 Fashion Season.

Visit and subscribe to my blog to read more about this trend, to see pictures and to discover more information about Dee Dee McGuire.

Dee Dee McGuire

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Going Out of Business - Hot Trends in the Business World

Many stores used to operate under the premise of closeout deals or 'going out of business' sales. However, the sad truth of today's economy is that many businesses ARE going out of business and needing to get rid of their inventory and employees. The business world isn't doing anything notable as of late, or at least nothing that is more notable than the number of people who are losing their jobs and finding that they are unable to get another one. It's really tough for many people to deal with, and definitely the main cause of all the stress-related accidents and violent crimes that have been going on for the past year.

It takes a toll on many people in ways that you might not imagine. Some people are so defined by their careers and their positions that they simply fall apart when their job is lost, leaving them with nothing more than a depressed life of despair. Some are much easier able to pick themselves up and get back on the horse, but the economy is running out of horses for people to get back on.

Going out of business used to be uncommon in the world, and only for small stores and businesses that didn't set themselves up right. Now you hear and see stories about big-name companies going out of business, companies like GM filing for chapter 11 bankruptcy, and the banks of the U.S. asking for government money so that they don't fall apart, either. It's all very disheartening, but it can get better, and eventually it will. It's easier said than done, but ultimately you need to try to keep a positive attitude about things as best you can so that you don't become another person with a pessimistic attitude about the economy.

All that people can do is trust that eventually things will get better, and hope that this happens sooner rather than later. People don't need to lose any more jobs, and the U.S. doesn't need to lose anymore businesses. There are so many great companies out there hanging on by a thread, and it's a constant fear for employees not knowing who's going to be next on the chopping block. If you are working for a company that is on the edge, or have already been a victim of the economy, you can trust that in time, things will work out. There are a few jobs out there to be found for those who are looking, but only if they are willing to accept whatever they can get.

Tony Jacowski is a quality analyst for The MBA Journal. Aveta Solutions - Six Sigma Online ( ) offers online six sigma training and certification classes for lean six sigma, black belts, green belts, and yellow belts.

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Wheatgrass - Hot Trend For Health, Beauty and Profitability

Wheatgrass is a healthy super food that has been used traditionally in cultures around the world. Today, research scientists and medical doctors are praising its disease-fighting, age-defying properties. Wheatgrass juice has become the trendy new way to keep illness and old age at bay. There is a strong commercial potential in the small scale growing of wheatgrass. It can be grown on a large scale in special growing sheds with controlled lighting and other desired conditions. Most health shops would welcome a regular supply of fresh wheatgrass.

Young wheatgrass shoots are extremely vital. Wheatgrass is a complete whole-food with enzymes, amino acids, phytochemicals, vitamins and chlorophyll working in perfect harmony to help rid the body of toxins and creating overall good health. Wheatgrass juice is made from the young blades of the wheat plant. It can be expressed in a wheatgrass juicer, or the grass can be blended in a blender with water (raw honey, edible flower, etc. Are optional) and strained to make a refreshing, nutritional drink. And it is not only the juice that makes wheatgrass worth its title of "green-gold". Derivatives of wheat are currently being used in many cosmetic houses because of their antioxidant and vitamin E properties. These and other properties in wheat, and especially wheatgrass, are powerful allies in the fight against aging skin.

Wheatgrass - what is it? Wheatgrass is sprouted wheat kernels that have been allowed to grow to 7 inches for 7 to 14 days (depending on warmth), either indoors or outdoors in trays or in the open ground. Wheatgrass is easy to grow. Soak a few cups of wheat kernels in water for about 12 hours, strain the seeds and spread them gently on top of trays (with holes in the bottom) containing organic compost. Spray softly with water, and cover with cardboard or board. Water a little everyday, keeping the germinating seeds covered until you see the young shoots emerging. Now place the trays uncovered, in a protected light/shade spot. Continue watering for a further 7 to 14 days. Your wheatgrass is ready for harvest!

An important by-product of wheatgrass production is the wheatgrass mat. When wheatgrass is cut down to the roots for use, the mat with its developing root-system can be used to great effect for promoting the fertility of the soil in any part of the garden. It is valued for revitalizing dead soil. It can be used on sites such as abandoned mines and areas of soil erosion. This material goes to work aerating the soil and introducing a friendly microbial population of earthworms. The soil becomes balanced, and reflects a good acid/alkaline ratio, improving 'moist bulk density', and providing important nutrients like nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorous, in organic form.

The production of 'live' soil is profitable! Market your own... Composting gains you almost 4 times in direct, quantifiable benefits for every $, £, etc. you invest.

'Live' soil feed plants organically in a balanced way. Quality organic humus is cheaper (if you make your own), and safer than chemical fertilizers and supports long-term soil fertility.

This article is adapted from my book, Wheatgrass: Superfood for a New Millennium, published by Vital Health Publishing. Brand: Square One Publishers. USA.

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Wedding Trends - Today's Top 8 Wedding Trends

Modern weddings aren't afraid to toss conventional standards out the window and embrace a creative side. Here's a peek at what's hot now.

1) Unique Settings - To add a personal touch, couples are venturing outside of the traditional ceremony at place of worship followed by a banquet room reception. The beach remains the most popular spot for summer brides, but also consider a mountainside, garden, yacht, museum, lighthouse, theme park or historic mansion. Anything goes - be original!

2) Destination weddings - Start the honeymoon early, and head to an exotic destination to exchange vows. Destination weddings are becoming more and more popular, with couples only inviting close family and friends to share in the festivities. This saves a lot of money, time and stress and allows everyone to enjoy a fabulous summer vacation. What guest won't appreciate that?

3) Keep it Small - Forget inviting 400 of your closest friends. (Who needs the hassle?) Today's weddings are more personalized and intimate, with many guest lists topping out at 100 people. Trim your guest list, and treat your true friends and loved to something truly spectacular.

4) Buzz on Bars - They're not just for drinks anymore. Take your guests on a culinary journey of the senses with strategically placed food stations. Dynamic bars with bite sized samples allow guests to mingle and savor a number of flavors. So when you think catering - think tiny and scattered.

5) More Seating Options - Go ahead, ditch the head table and opt for something a little different. More personal - less awkward. Consider instead a sweetheart table for two, and enjoy a few minutes of alone time with your honey. Sit with your parents or other guests; it may afford you the opportunity to spend some quality time with people not a part of the wedding party. Or do away with reserved tables and assigned seating altogether, and mingle with your guests throughout mealtime.

6) Go Clubbing - Of-the-moment brides are consulting the club scene for wedding décor inspiration. Transform your reception space into a swank lounge with romantic nooks and crannies conducive to conversing and flirting. Think sexy lighting, seductive music, plush couches and low coffee tables.

7) A Warm Welcome - With the emergence of destination weddings and guests often spread all over the country, savvy couples are taking advantage of a golden opportunity to offer a warm welcome and set the tone for a fabulous series of events. What a great idea! Welcome baskets are an added touch that immediately comforts the travel-weary and makes your guests feel right at home.

8) Beyond Blush and Bashful - Gone are the days of adhering to light pastels and muted shades. Today's summer brides are opting for bold and interesting pairings of colors. Not afraid of mixing purples and orange's, the post-millennium color palette is expanding. Especially hot this year - purple, in vogue in every shade.

These tips on trimming your wedding guest list will help you start making cuts.

Cori Russell is editor for and Gala Weddings Magazine. is a comprehensive wedding planning resource with a national directory of wedding venues and services, along with articles, expert advice, checklists and photo galleries to lead brides through every step of the planning process.

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5 Hot Trends in Wedding Invitations

Gone are the days where tried and true, conventional ivory or white invitations are the norm. We have seen a strong increase in unique invitations, styles, colors and design. Brides today want a fresh, modern look with embellishments and pizazz. Brides want to "wow" their guests with inspiring design, unique decorations, and stylish papers. Invitation companies are responding to these trends by providing a plethora of options, colors and modern designs. If you can not find what you are looking for in stores, there are a variety of stationary companies online which provide fresh invitation ideas. Or for signature work, sit down with a stationer about six months before your event for a completely custom design.

Here are 5 Hot Tips and Trends for Wedding Invitations for the last half of 2008 and 2009:

1) Unusual materials - Embellishments up the wow factor for your invites. Think unconventional materials to accent your invites such as bamboo, sinamay envelopes, raffia ties. It's all about the "au natural" feeling this year due to the increase in eco-chic weddings.

2) Fresh Font Styles - Forget the traditional fonts and the traditional font sizes. Switch things up with unusual font design, unexpected text placement (such as a vertical date), and eye-catching colors.

3) Ethnic Details - Celebrate your heritage! If you are of Indian decent, how about a sari inspired print design for your wedding invitations in modern colors such as hot pink and gold? Or if you are of Irish decent, why not have a custom die cast letterpress invitation with a Celtic-inspired monogram?

4) Combined Colors - gone are the days of white invitations with standard ink colors. Invitations now can be matted such as matting a picture in a frame, with several different colors and materials behind the actual invitation, giving your invite an almost 3-D touch. Cool color combinations such as pink and orange, blue and greens, ivory and black, turquoise and tan spice up the traditional color scheme.

5) New Shapes - for a stylish alternative to the traditional rectangle, try an oversized square or a round invitation. Be careful though, alternate shape invitations can cost more to mail.

Erica Tevis is the owner of Little Things Wedding Favors, which carries over 5,000 wedding favors, themed favors, wedding invitations, and wedding accessories.

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Wedding Bands: Hot Trends for This Year

Your wedding day is perhaps among the most memorable and eventful moments in your life, which is the reason why you would always strive for perfection every step of the way. Although often overlooked by many brides and grooms, your wedding band is a crucial aspect of your big day, as it is not only the symbol of your love for each other but also serves as an everyday memoir for the day that you exchanged lifetime vows.

As trends for wedding dresses and ceremonies have changed through time, the same can be said for wedding rings and wedding band designs. Originally made in one simple circular design, wedding rings have now evolved into a wide variety of styles and designs- thanks to the innovations in the jewel design industry. If you are a bride looking to get married anytime this year, then it would be handy to be aware of the latest trends in wedding jewelry. Here are wedding bands ideas make your very big day special and extra memorable this year.

Although the platinum metal with a twist is still a popular wedding band trend these days, there are some new styles that you may want to go with.

· Rings with small and big diamond clusters are still perfect for the couple to be. A bride's ring is something that will predominantly boasts diamond clusters which follow past trends such as bands with a straight diamond circumference or those encrusted with a big diamond and surrounded with small diamond stones.

· Patterned bands such as Celtic designs and other sophisticated engraved signs are still fabulous choices. There are other variations that will integrate this design using diamonds and other precious stones. When it comes to men's wedding bands, small diamonds can be used in engraved triangular and other geometric patterns.

· Narrow and three quarter wedding rings still complement every couple. This kind of band design is not only something that is more comfortable compared to the traditional bands, but it is also more cost effective. Narrow wedding bands feature tiny diamonds in a clustered appearance that will fit perfectly and complement any engagement ring.

· The integration of two different colored metals in one ring is perhaps one of the newest trends for 2011. This design is aimed towards making wedding bands that feature contemporary style and that sleek finish. Today's weaved wedding band collections often use strong metal, like platinum or white gold, that is weaved in between a thin piece of colored metal. This look provides that unique and contrasting finish to the ring.

· The halo rings are also slowly making a comeback in the industry. Halo center rings make diamond stones appear larger than its actual size. It is also an awesome way for you to maximize the wattage of this high quality and modest stone. The look of a high carat center stone is particularly important for couples who are heading to the altar.

Your ideal wedding band should be something that will not only feel right on your budget but also a ring that fits your unique style, taste and personality. A wedding band represents the union and vows made on this very special day so make sure you get something that you will truly love to wear for a lifetime.

To learn more about wedding bands and wedding rings tips, visit our site and blog at

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