In these challenging economic times, where people are worried they might lose their job, there are things you can do to help assure that you are not one of them. Here are a few suggestions to keep in mind, that will help insure that your job is secure.
Discover ways to make yourself indispensable. If you work in an office, volunteer to help out whenever you have a chance. Whether it's volunteering to be part of a project team, jumping in when co-workers are trying to finish a project on time, being responsible for the petty cash box, or teaching co-workers a new skill that you may have learned. Your boss will notice and your co-workers will appreciate your assistance.
Keep improving your skill sets. Grade the way you do your job, and look for ways to be more efficient and productive. Your job performance will improve, and you will be noticed by your boss.
Have a positive attitude. Some people get stressed out in this terrible economic environment where everyone knows someone, a friend or family member, that has lost their job. You can hang out at the water cooler and gossip about whether your own company is the next to start cutting jobs, or you can keep your head down and get your job done. You will feel better because you are being productive, and you will inspire others around you to do the same. Your BOSS will notice!
Be the employee you would hire, if you were the boss. Put your bosses hat on and give yourself a thorough evaluation as an employee. Do you get to work on time? Are you rested and ready to go when you get to work, or do you need a cup of coffee or three to get in gear. Try to think how you appear to others, and make sure you put your best foot forward.
Hopefully, these tips about how to save your job will help you to be proactive and assure that, even in the worst economy, you will be one of the employees that any employer would want to keep. Finding a way to be the best employee you can be will also help you when you decide you need to find another position at some point in the future. Also, the boss you work for and the employees you work with will be a network for your career for years to come.
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