
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Get Out of Debt Without a Second Job

Here are some suggestions you can use to help you get out of debt and build your bank account. All that you will need is patience and discipline.

Warning these debt tips are for people who have more money coming in than what they require to pay down their monthly bills, including credit cards. If you owe more than you can pay each month,seek professional help.

It begins, when you pay the minimum on most of your credit cards, pay extra on the ones with the highest interest rate. As you pay each month look around for credit card transfer offers that have cheaper interest rates than what you are paying.

Another idea is to combine the debt from two or more credit cards into one credit card payment with lowest interest cost. You will save money and reduce the number of bills you get each month.

Make an effort to put something into savings each week, even if it is only $10.00. Once it is in a bank don't take it out. Especially with the current recession it is very important to have something socked away for a rainy day.

One more way to get out of debt faster is to research more unique ideas to save money. Ask your cable company to see if they have any special promos that you are qualified to receive?

Your local cable company that provides phone service and Internet service as well as cable service is continuely creating super deals that save $30 or more, and many times the lowest price is good for six or twelve months. When your time is up and the price goes back up, call again and they should be glad to find you another good deal for another six to twelve months.

If your income is low enough, ask your phone company if they have a special price for low-income families. In this area people who fall in this category qualify for monthly charges that are less than price.

Whenever, you go shopping for food buy off brands whenever possible. Many people are finding great deals at local stores called "99 Cent" stores or "Dollar Stores". Many of these have fantastic deals on staples such as coffee, soup, drinks, and much more.

The same food stuff might not be accessiable all the time so visit the store weekly for new bargains. Be prepared to make large purchases if they have a shipment of something you use regularly, such as coffee or anything else.

To owe crushing debt is heart breaking. So pay as much as you can afford to pay down on your debt each month. Save enough money where you can, and then don't whine about it. As long as you are doing what you can, there is no need to lose sleep.So you too can get out of debt without a second job.

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